How It Works

Simple to use for your customers and staff when placing and receiving orders.

Customer can choose between Pick Up or Delivery from your restaurant. We offer delivery through the main delivery companies DoorDash, Uber, Lyft and Postmates. We have agreements with each for deliveries starting at $7 for the first 5 miles and then $0.75 per mile up to a total of 7 miles. This will help expand your restaurants business while saving you the high commission fees. How the customer pays for delivery is up to you. You can choose to cover the entire delivery cost yourself, split it with the customer, or charge it entirely to the customer.

Customer can easily choose between add ons and modifiers for their favorite dishes.  Advertise different specials, offers or your restaurants loyalty program using a banner on the main page. We are directly integrated with N-Touch Rewards for a robust loyalty system that allows for targeted re-marketing, automated email marketing and a tiered loyalty points tracking program. Visit N-Touch Rewards for more details and to see a demo.

Our dashboard makes it easy to track orders as they come in. Receive order notification via our web dashboard or iOS/android app. We are integrated directly with Clover, Square and Focus POS for orders to be automatically injected into the POS. We are also integrated via 3rd party with 50+ POS. 3rd POS is additional each month for Starter and Pro packages and free for Enterprise customers. View our pricing plans to choose what is best for your business.

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